Friday, June 26, 2009

Auto Loans?

Hey! Everyone, Im looking to purchase my very first car pretty soon, within a couple of months(december). The car i%26#039;ve been thinking about getting is a 2000-2002 BMW (3 Series). I%26#039;m also going to take out a loan from my bank with a 5.99% APR rate for up to 36 are 72 months. The price of the car is about $14.000-$15.000. Do you think this is a good idea? And how much would you think my payments for the car would be?

Auto Loans?bridge loan

Only you can decide if the cost is worth it. Just keep in mind the purchase price is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the total cost of owning a car. You should also budget for maintenance, repair, and insurance costs, which for a BMW tend to be higher than most.

You can calculate the potential payment yourself, here%26#039;s an online loan calculator:

A $15,000 loan at 5.99% for 36 months would come out to $456/month. However, this is not taking into account sales tax (if you have it in your state) or titling/registration fees. Also, for a car that old, they may not give you a loan for longer than 3-4 years.

Auto Loans?


First off, do you have great credit? you%26#039;ll need it to get a 5.9% intrest rate. Second, how old are you? Most people wreck their first car(sad but true). Why does everyone seem to think they need a $15,000 first car? Also take into consideration what it costs to insure and tag your car.|||I dont have the best of credit, well in fact its kinda bad, but I was able to get car loan since I do have a job which is mainly what this place cared most about for me. They are one of these places that have multiple sources and they say like 99 percent approved. So I would give this site a try....

Good luck.

What are my chances of geting this car?

my sister works for acura/honda...she worked out out a deal with her dealership where i can buy a TL for $22,499.... im 19, i dont have much credit history maybe around 6 monthly income is $3500... what are the probabilities of a bank financing me, n at what rate....

What are my chances of geting this car?no fax loan

Go there and run the #s - they will run your credit and tell you if you need a co-signer - you can%26#039;t guess those things without being there and doing the paperwork. I had people who thought they had no credit and were OK. I also had people who come in like they own the world and can%26#039;t afford a lolly-pop.

What model is it and what miles?

P.S. You are only 19 - are you sure you want to be $24K in debt at such young age? Plus insurance

What are my chances of geting this car?


Pretty slim, the bank will look at how long you have been at your current job, and most of the time you need at least a year.... and at 19..... good luck, you might need a co signer....|||Doesn%26#039;t look good for a loan being you only been working 6 months... Tell you the truth I would never spent that kind of money on a bad investment depreciation car. If you make that much every month wait a few months --like until the 2009 are in the show room and then shop if that is what you really want to spend $25,000 .....Should be able to finance no problem...|||need more job time=stability,need higher line of credit,awfully alot of car for someone starting out ,but ive sold cars for 8 years and ive seen things fall through the cracks,i love giving good advice please keep asking great questions|||you didn%26#039;t say what your bank statement can show if you can afford it,who is your bank,have you discuss this with them,how much are you willing to pay down, tell them you would like rates from other banks, if they can%26#039;t or won%26#039;t,they are possible quit high,,,since its your money,,,,you!!!! call the shots,,, make sure total amt. and payment is sinceable%26lt;%26gt;IS%26lt;%26gt;

How much intrest will i be paying ? PLEASE ANSWER BUYING A CAR TODAY ? PLEASE?

if i am getting a car loan from a bank for $8500 and my intrest rate is 10% how much money will i be paying in interest ??? im not suer if i did it right i did 8500 + 10% but it didnt look right please help ?:)

How much intrest will i be paying ? PLEASE ANSWER BUYING A CAR TODAY ? PLEASE?sba loans

Look at your contract. It will be on there.

How much intrest will i be paying ? PLEASE ANSWER BUYING A CAR TODAY ? PLEASE? loan

It depends on how long your loan is. $8,500 at 10.00% for 2 yrs=$392 3 yrs=$274 4 yrs=$216 5 year=$181 6 yrs=$157

That doesn%26#039;t include sales tax and other dealer finance additions such as disability insurance.

You can go to

and it will show the amortization table (this will show total interest to be paid) for you.|||For 24 months the interest would be $913.54

For 36 months the interest would be $1373.72

For 48 months the interest would be $1847.84

For 60 months the interest would be $2336.00

Greenspan doubts Fed's ability to prevent recession. Who else agrees with this assessment?


Wed Jan 30

Greenspan told the German weekly Die Zeit that the Fed or political policies could %26quot;probably not%26quot; keep the world%26#039;s biggest economy from sliding into recession, as financial markets widely expected the US central bank to cut its main lending rate.

Greenspan doubts Fed%26#039;s ability to prevent recession. Who else agrees with this assessment?finance

Borrowing to fix a problem borrowing caused makes so much freaking sense doesn%26#039;t it?

Greenie%26#039;s right we%26#039;re in for it and we need to man up and take our medicine before we screw it up beyond repair

Greenspan doubts Fed%26#039;s ability to prevent recession. Who else agrees with this assessment?


I would feel that way even without Greenspan%26#039;s comments.|||it%26#039;s too early to tell. fed may drop rates again today. what happens with the economic stimulus package? will the gov%26#039;t pass a bill allowing more people to refinance their mortgages? a lot can happen and if all those things happen, then i%26#039;d say there is about a 65% chance that we avoid one, however i think we stall until after the election.|||I agree and have agreed with this for a long time. Furthermore, the Governments Stimulus Pkg isn%26#039;t going to help either, just put us more in debt, and the recession will still be upon us, some states sooner than others. By the way, I am from Michigan, whose State has been in deep trouble for a few years now.|||Its unlikely the Fed or any stimulus package can stall the recession. The recession fuel by a lender inspired morgage crisis has shaken consumer confidence, combined with a huge debt load.

However, These measures will cushion the recession and I dont expect it will be worse than the Silicon Valley inspired burst bubble a few years back.

Buy low...sell high|||The only thing that will end this economic spiral down is to end this war and occupation in Iraq. The market reflects this because traders and investors are nervous.

The more Bush talks about staying there indefinitely the more the stocks decline.|||Why the fed has to cut, cut, cut those rates fast and hard!|||I read his assessment, I agree. Global market factors have extended beyond the control of simple policy adjustments to correct economic imbalance.|||I have to agree with Greenspan although i hope it will not be as bad with the feds ability to try.(Hugs)|||Bush%26#039;s out of control spending can not be fixed by Borrowing more money or lowering interest rates.|||Greenspan has been all gloom and doom about the economy for the last 10 years or so.|||Considering that he is one of the least accurately quoted people on the planet I would not put too much into this.

Alan Greenspan does not mean that the Fed should do nothing, as is quite clear from his tenure, but rather that the Fed can%26#039;t be expected to fix every problem that arises in the economy.|||Also quoted from the article:


Some analysts have said that low interest rates under Greenspan%26#039;s watch were responsible in part for the US housing bubble that burst last year, and led to the current financial crisis.

Die Zeit quoted him as saying he found it hard to understand that %26#039;the Federal Reserve policy had somehow allowed housing and stock prices to rise.%26#039;


I agree with the analysts. What%26#039;s so hard to understand? The Fed pursued policies that prompted massive increases to the money supply. That additional money was inserted at two primary place: in the capital markets and to loans for homes. When an increased amount of money chases the same amount of goods, the price of those goods rises. In the case of housing especially, rising prices passed false signals to builders to increase construction and to lenders to increase lending (since the prices on the collateral was thought to always rise).

We are going through a period now when those false signals are being recognized and the results of the errors made corrected. That the Fed is trying to solve the problems with the actions that caused them is either stupid or evil.|||Well... let%26#039;s see... yes, I do.

Bernanke is a professor of economics, unlike the mastero himself. Bernanke goes by the text-book of Keynesian economics.

Got a recession?: print more money, and lower interest rates.

This supply side economics cannot prevent a recession. It can only create a man-made phenomenon known as %26quot;Stagflation%26quot;, where the economic growth is slow or unresponsive, with high inflation as a result of the injection of excessive liquidity.

In order for Bernanke to actually solve this problem, he has to read another book that he hadn%26#039;t read in school: Austrian economics of the Ludwig von Mises school of economics.|||I agree. And we may not actually tip into recession anyway. What the Fed is doing will help, and definitely soften the impact, but we are headed toward an economic slowdown.|||I have to certainly agree with Greenspan, his financial abilities are undeniable. and I%26#039;m very concerned about his resigning/retiring his position, ironically when his forecast began to take light.