Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quicken Loans transfer my mortgage to their "parter" Countrywide Home Loans?

I recently closed purchasing a house and used Quicken Loans for my mortgage. My first payment was 1/1/2008. A few days ago I got a letter in the mail stating my loan have been transfered to Countrywide Home loans. What the crap? One thing my loan originator tol me was Quicken has an exclusive benefit of being able to reapply after being at a rate for 6 month in your loan if the rates should decrease. With no costs involved. Now that sounded to good to be true. Is this a ploy they routinely do to stop people from using this or other benefits. I should have went with my local bank since they offered the same rate and term. Also quicken was very HIGH PRESSURE. wanting me to electronically sign right away and giving me payment quotes when i wanted rate information, closing cost and points. It was pulling teeth to get them to just tell me what i asked and when i said nevermind then they gave me the info. of course he had to go to his manager to remove the 1 point my local bank wasnt chargin

Quicken Loans transfer my mortgage to their %26quot;parter%26quot; Countrywide Home Loans?interest rate

Hey Mike 鈥?

Thanks for working with us! I鈥檓 sorry you feel misled.

What happened in your situation is very common. We like to focus on keeping low rates, cutting edge programs and superior customer service rather than processing your mortgage payments. Please know that just because you write your mortgage payment out to a different company does not mean they are your lender. If any issues arise, CALL US. If you have any questions about rates, markets, loans, CALL US. Once a Quicken Loans client, always a Quicken Loans client. We still work for you.

We worked hard to gain your business and will honor any and all commitments we made to you. You can still refinance with us, nothing has changed. In fact, you are now a part of our Loan Tracker program. We will monitor your mortgage for you and if rates drop significantly below what you are currently at, we will contact you first!

We consider ourselves your lender for life. Please feel free to contact me personally through our profile if you have any other questions. Again, thank you for working with us and I sincerely hope the new mortgage is working out for you!

Quicken Loans transfer my mortgage to their %26quot;parter%26quot; Countrywide Home Loans?


Feel better? Good.

That was quite a rant. I couldn%26#039;t find a question in there.|||it happens. quicken is a smaller lender and sometimes they sell a block of mortgages to the bigger companies.

Just make sure that when you get your next statement everything looks the same as your original mortgage and if there is anything that looks funny call them. Dont wait. You would probally went through the same thing with your local bank.|||Quicken Loans does not always service the mortgages that they handle. Usually on the contract signing, there is a page that tells you the percentage of loans that they keep and service. It may be around 95% that they transfer or sell to another bank or investment company. Nothing should change about the agreement that you signed and I know from experience that if rates rise and you need to refinance, they will refinance for a little less money for closing. At least they did for me.|||loans are often sold so that the company can clear up funds to originate a new loan.

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