Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best way to get loan? Financing for older vehicles?

I%26#039;m looking to buy a vehicle in the coming months. I really want a diesel truck, but the only models of them that I can really afford at the moment are ones that are a few years old (for example, around %26#039;97-99 or so). How can I get financing for a vehicle that old and not get totally killed on the interest rates? Plus I%26#039;ve seen a lot of places that say they won%26#039;t finance anything older than 2000.

Also, what%26#039;s the best place to get financing through? My bank has crappy interest rates for the most part, and Capitol One didn%26#039;t give me all that great of rates either (9.7% on vehicles 2000-2003). I have a 700+ credit rating.

Best way to get loan? Financing for older vehicles?auto financing

You are going to be hard pressed to find a lender that won%26#039;t charge a higher rate despite good credit and keep your term short which will in effect make your payments higher. You have 2 options. Look for a truck that is 2000 or newer with under 100k on the miles. This will be about the same payment as you would have on the older truck with more miles. If you just have to have the older truck, then if you have equity in your home, take out enough equity to pay for the truck or a 401k account that you can pay yourself back.

Hope this helps.

Best way to get loan? Financing for older vehicles?


As you%26#039;ve discovered, the best rates are for new and newer used cars. About the best you can do is finance the lowest amount possible for the least amount of time. It won%26#039;t necessarily affect the interest rate, but it will reduce the amount of interest you pay.

Since your credit rating is good, you may be able to get approval from Capitol One or Lending Tree, and then use that as a negotiating tool with the dealer financing.|||Since your credit is good, you might try a personal loan from a bank or credit union. The rates won%26#039;t be cheap, though...14 or 15%. Few banks like to loan less than $7500 nowdays on a vehicle and even fewer will finance a ten year old car.

Savings account?

sarah put 1,000 dollars in my bank account at an interest rate of 5%. if the interest on her bank account is compounded annually, approximately how much will she have in her savings account after 3years??

i dont get it..

Savings account?annual credit report

Compounding interest means that the account pays interest on any interest that you earn (which is pretty much how all savings accounts work).

So at the end of year one, you would have $1000 * 1.05 = $1,050

year two: $1,050 *1.05 = $1,102.50

year three: $1,102.5 *1.05 = 1,157.63.

That%26#039;s your answer: $1.157.63

Savings account?


start 1yr 2yr 3yr

1000 1050 1102.5 1157.625

In the first year, the interest applies just to the original principal amount of $1000, but in later years the interest also builds on the accrued interest.|||1000x.05=$50. so end of first year she has 1,050.

1050x.05=$52.50. so end of 2nd year she has 1102.50

1102.50x.05=$55.13. so end of 3rd year she has $1,157.63 in the account.|||huh, didnt you say she put money in YOUR bank, so y would she get anything out of HER bank.....

but the answer is $1157.63 3 years of compounded interest on $1000

Somebody please help me!!!!!?

kassie borrowed $1000 from the bank at a 12% interest rate. How much money will Kassie have to pay the bank over a six month period of time?

Somebody please help me!!!!!?mortgage rate

Assuming simple interest:

The formula is A = P(1+rt),

where P is the prinicple, r is the interest rate and t is the time (i years)

P = 1000, r = .12 and t = 1/2

A = 1000(1+(.12)(1/2))

A = 1000(1+.06)

A = 1000(1.06)

A = 1060

Somebody please help me!!!!!?


12% of 1000 is 120. if interest is 120 a year, then half that would be 60|||This depends how the interest is calculated.

If the 12% is the annual interest rate, and the interest is applied monthly then 1% will be charged each month.

If the interest is compounded then in the second month 1% will be applied to $1000 + $10 from the first months interest.

So after the second month the amount owed will be 1.01*(1010) = 1.01*(1000*1.01) = 1000* 1.01^2

Hence after six moths the total amount repayable is 1000*1.01^6 = $1061.52

Note this compounding of interest has added an extra $1.52 in comparision to if 1% of $1000 = $10 was added each month.

If that was the case $1060 would be repayable.|||The interest is given by I = Prt, where P is the principal,

r is the yearly interest rate and t is the time in years.

So the interest is 1000*.12*1/2 = 60.

The total amount to repay is therefore $1060.

DOUBLE PAY query please read?

isnt it illegal not to be paid on a bank holiday? i have worked today, a bank holiday monday and my rate is normal. leave comments please. i am slightly annoyed at this!

DOUBLE PAY query please read?car financing

The employer determines the holidays and the pay for the holidays. Some employers pay double on certain holidays and time and a half on others, only if you worked on these days.

One thing is for certain, the employer must pay everybody the same across the board. He can%26#039;t pay you straight time and someone else time and a half on the holiday.

DOUBLE PAY query please read?


Your employer sets the holidays for his company. It has nothing to do with bank holidays. Banks tend to have more of them than most employers.

What was in your contract when you began work for your employer?|||You need to be paid for the hours that you worked if you are an hourly employee. However, the company has no obligation to pay holiday pay at all, or to pay you both your regular rate and the holiday pay rate, unless they have a policy that specifies holiday pay.

In other words, there is no Federal %26quot;holiday pay%26quot; law (am assuming you%26#039;re a US employee here.)

Sorry.... :(|||Not really. You can be required to work Christmas with no overtime pay or anything. As long as they are paying you over minimum wage there is nothing you can do.|||This depends on where you work, their policies and whether you are in a union or not. Banks and government offices take many more holidays that some other employers, and the employees of other, regular employers do not get paid special wages. In retail, you work all the holidays, usually at regular pay.

Rather than have unvoiced expectations that you get angry about, why don%26#039;t you check your employee handbook or ask your employer about what holidays are paid for you.|||If you%26#039;re not working on a federally recognized holiday it%26#039;s pretty much a decision on the bank to pay you that rate. Only holiday%26#039;s recognized and observed by the government and states get you the pay your looking for.|||Check the terms of your contract, you%26#039;ll probably find that you don%26#039;t get double for bank holidays and this is perfectly legal if you have signed a contract.

How to calculate my investment in general investment account?

i have opened a general investment account recently. i put myr 500 for a period of 3 months. the bank stated that the profit rate for 3 months is 2.74. i%26#039;ll get 70% and the bank will get 30%.

how would i know how much i%26#039;ve made after 3 months?


How to calculate my investment in general investment account?credit rating

The online calculator I use will not let me enter anything less than 1 year.

But, in 1 year, a $500 deposit at 2.74% with no additional deposits will only earn $14.

So even if this was for a whole year and you only got to keep 70%, you would end up with $9.80.

You would be better off putting the money in a regular savings account where you get to keep all of the interest.

I have a bad credit rating and I am in dire need of a loan?

I find myself in dispair and in need of a loan to save myself and my small business from complete ruin. I was turned down by my local bank, due to my credit rating and have no where else to turn, are there banks, or private persons willing to give loans to foreign individiuals either in there personal capacity or as a small bussiness

I have a bad credit rating and I am in dire need of a loan?rate my teacher

In other words, you want someone else to give you money you have no intentions of paying back, right?!! Sorry buddy, you%26#039;re on your own!!!

I have a bad credit rating and I am in dire need of a loan? loan

try prosper(dot)com. someone else might be willing to lend you money, but it is a real loan just like from a bank.|||You have already demonstrated that you can%26#039;t make a success out of your business. Why would you think that others are interested in your losing THEIR money too?

That is precisely why you can%26#039;t get a loan from your bank.

Bite the bullet and go to work for someone else.|||Call a lender and tell them you have so so credit and would like to purchase a home. There are lenders out there who will work to improve your credit score to get you approved. I have heard of credit scores improving up to 100 points!|||Credit ratings, personal, or business related, were designed to help lenders determine who is deserving of monies being loaned....if your personal credit is bad, and you NEED money to save your business, you need to re-evaluate your decisions with finances all together. Without a decent credit rating, personal or business, what do you have to offer to banks showing that you%26#039;d be a good payer?

Good luck.|||That sucks. Its a bad time for everyone right now. I don%26#039;t think banks are going to be going out of their way to someone with a bad credit rating. Keep trying tho! Good luck! Try looking for grants and stuff as well since you are a small buisness......|||Do you have anyone who trust you enough to be a co-signer? If so then that%26#039;s one way you could get a loan from a bank. As long as your co-signer has good credit. And you have to make sure you make all the payments when they are suppose to be made or it will ruin your co-signers credit as well.|||Bad credit is one of the worst problems to have... however there exists a solution. I will hereby talk from my personal experience. I did debt consolidation a couple of years ago, however If I had to do it again I would pay to some minor details, if someone wants to get out of debt today it is pretty easy with a debt consolidation plan, however it may get a bit tricky at times,

I suggest you get as much information as possible online on this first, a good place to start in my humble opinion is astraight to the point ebook with question and answer I found :|||Watch them.they are every where.who i am talking about?SCAMMERS.they have reck me and my family.I needed a loan of $7,000 but i end up paying up to $3,000 without getting my loan.All hope was lost until i saw an answer directing me to spring loans inc.My loan was giving to me within two days of application.If you really need a legit lender,dont listen to all those fake lenders out there who are looking for poeple rip off of their money.Please my dear,i will advice you to go striaght to spring loans.Here is their will help you without stress.


Lily Dave|||My name is max i resides here in Boston. I have been able to secure loan from a private lender. Mr, .Lomax milton. He is a private lender in united kingdom. Im testifying to his services that he is geunine and reliable. The loan im using now in refinancing my bussiness here i boston in states was obtained from LOMAX MILTON LOAN INVESTMENT. I do here by adviced you with all sincerity and with no doubt that you should contact the said private lender. Email:lomaxmilton_loan_investment@yahoo.... THE RELIABLE PRIVATE LENDER WITH LOW INTEREST RATE. CUSTOMER-FRIENDLY|||EASY LOANS CO-OPERATION gives out loans at low interest rate 3% to

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How do i calculate this? What formula do I use?

You wish to purchase your first home. The bank will only allow a bond repayment, which is no greater than 30% of your net monthly salary. Your gross salary is $8250 per month and you have deductions of 25% per month from your salary.

Q: Calculate net salary (amount after deductions)

A: $6187.5

Q: Maximum bond repayment you can afford?

A: $1856.25

Q: The bank offers a fixed bond rate of 13,5% p.a. compunded monthly, over a 20 year period. Can you afford a flat that costs $150 000?

A: ???

Please show me how to calculate this. Thanks.

How do i calculate this? What formula do I use?construction loans

The payment will be $1810.5.

You can look up bond factors, i placed a link to a bond factor calculator. Using a bond factor makes the calculation easy.

PMT= PV/1000 * bond factor. or for you 150,000/1000*12.07

You could use a financial calculator by entering the data as N=240, I=13.5/12, PV=-150,000, FV=0, and then press calulate then PMT.

How do i calculate this? What formula do I use?


John K is right. You can also find the solution using Excel. a financial calculator is easiest:

N = 20 years x 12 months = 240

PV = 150,000 - the amount of the loan today

i = 13.5% / 12 months = 1.125

FV = 0

You solve for the payment. Therefore the monthly payment is $1,811.06 well within your limit.