Friday, August 7, 2009

When and Where shall I cash my dollars in the UK?

The dollar has fallen so badly here in the UK, i%26#039;m stuck with dollars. The bank uses the pay back rate and I will lose loads. I have a significant not huge amount, but the loss will be severe..please help.

When and Where shall I cash my dollars in the UK?unsecured loan

post office check there rate first

When and Where shall I cash my dollars in the UK? loan

Frankly, I would buy some stuff on Ebay with the dollars and resell the stuff in the UK. You will make a really good profit.|||I can take your $$$%26#039;s off your hands if it is causing you problems.|||Great idea above. Either that or just keep them till the exchange rate changes lol|||The green backs are really very green. 2.5 to the pound by 3rd Jan 07 I bet you, CASH in NOW.|||put them in an international account eg hsbc international , dont cash them in yet hold and stick with patience.|||How about finding someone who is planning a trip to the States. You could come up with a fair price for you both and both avoid the commission. Just a thought.|||right here i will give you one for one

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