Sunday, August 9, 2009

UK Interest Rates?

Will the Bank of England raise interest rates today, leave them unchanged, or lower them? What signal will this send to the economy?

UK Interest Rates?credit union

I think they will go up 1/4 % today...... gas prices and house prices will force the rate up I think in order to keep inflation under control. If they don%26#039;t rise today then they certainly will next month.

UK Interest Rates? loan

they%26#039;ll stay the same this time then raise 1/4% next time.

Its still a good economy for now, but we%26#039;ve gotta stop borrowing or this country will go to pot!|||I imagine they will stay the same. Although given that house prices are still rising there may be pressure to put them up slightly in the future.|||cost more to borrow hence price rises|||I think they%26#039;ll go up 0.25%, for the reasons given already by little weed.

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