Friday, August 7, 2009

Who gives the best money market accounts.?

I have been living pay check to pay check, but have recentely come into about 10k in money due to inheritance. Was wondering what bank gives the best interest rate on savings or money market accounts. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Who gives the best money market accounts.?interest rate

For money market funds it really makes no difference as the securities the fund mgr purchases are pretty well generic and the mandate narrow.

There could be great variance in the rate of interest paid on a savings account however. You should check around but I knwo that ING, which is a very large Dutch based bank has teh most competitive rates in that department.

Who gives the best money market accounts.?

loan is the most reliable.

Also, community banks or credit unions usually give the highest yields.

Online accounts such as are also reliable FDIC insured savings accounts.|||I work for a bank and right now interest rates are not very good, I would consider looking into a Credit Union because they usually have better rates.

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