Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best way to get loan? Financing for older vehicles?

I%26#039;m looking to buy a vehicle in the coming months. I really want a diesel truck, but the only models of them that I can really afford at the moment are ones that are a few years old (for example, around %26#039;97-99 or so). How can I get financing for a vehicle that old and not get totally killed on the interest rates? Plus I%26#039;ve seen a lot of places that say they won%26#039;t finance anything older than 2000.

Also, what%26#039;s the best place to get financing through? My bank has crappy interest rates for the most part, and Capitol One didn%26#039;t give me all that great of rates either (9.7% on vehicles 2000-2003). I have a 700+ credit rating.

Best way to get loan? Financing for older vehicles?auto financing

You are going to be hard pressed to find a lender that won%26#039;t charge a higher rate despite good credit and keep your term short which will in effect make your payments higher. You have 2 options. Look for a truck that is 2000 or newer with under 100k on the miles. This will be about the same payment as you would have on the older truck with more miles. If you just have to have the older truck, then if you have equity in your home, take out enough equity to pay for the truck or a 401k account that you can pay yourself back.

Hope this helps.

Best way to get loan? Financing for older vehicles?


As you%26#039;ve discovered, the best rates are for new and newer used cars. About the best you can do is finance the lowest amount possible for the least amount of time. It won%26#039;t necessarily affect the interest rate, but it will reduce the amount of interest you pay.

Since your credit rating is good, you may be able to get approval from Capitol One or Lending Tree, and then use that as a negotiating tool with the dealer financing.|||Since your credit is good, you might try a personal loan from a bank or credit union. The rates won%26#039;t be cheap, though...14 or 15%. Few banks like to loan less than $7500 nowdays on a vehicle and even fewer will finance a ten year old car.

Savings account?

sarah put 1,000 dollars in my bank account at an interest rate of 5%. if the interest on her bank account is compounded annually, approximately how much will she have in her savings account after 3years??

i dont get it..

Savings account?annual credit report

Compounding interest means that the account pays interest on any interest that you earn (which is pretty much how all savings accounts work).

So at the end of year one, you would have $1000 * 1.05 = $1,050

year two: $1,050 *1.05 = $1,102.50

year three: $1,102.5 *1.05 = 1,157.63.

That%26#039;s your answer: $1.157.63

Savings account?


start 1yr 2yr 3yr

1000 1050 1102.5 1157.625

In the first year, the interest applies just to the original principal amount of $1000, but in later years the interest also builds on the accrued interest.|||1000x.05=$50. so end of first year she has 1,050.

1050x.05=$52.50. so end of 2nd year she has 1102.50

1102.50x.05=$55.13. so end of 3rd year she has $1,157.63 in the account.|||huh, didnt you say she put money in YOUR bank, so y would she get anything out of HER bank.....

but the answer is $1157.63 3 years of compounded interest on $1000

Somebody please help me!!!!!?

kassie borrowed $1000 from the bank at a 12% interest rate. How much money will Kassie have to pay the bank over a six month period of time?

Somebody please help me!!!!!?mortgage rate

Assuming simple interest:

The formula is A = P(1+rt),

where P is the prinicple, r is the interest rate and t is the time (i years)

P = 1000, r = .12 and t = 1/2

A = 1000(1+(.12)(1/2))

A = 1000(1+.06)

A = 1000(1.06)

A = 1060

Somebody please help me!!!!!?


12% of 1000 is 120. if interest is 120 a year, then half that would be 60|||This depends how the interest is calculated.

If the 12% is the annual interest rate, and the interest is applied monthly then 1% will be charged each month.

If the interest is compounded then in the second month 1% will be applied to $1000 + $10 from the first months interest.

So after the second month the amount owed will be 1.01*(1010) = 1.01*(1000*1.01) = 1000* 1.01^2

Hence after six moths the total amount repayable is 1000*1.01^6 = $1061.52

Note this compounding of interest has added an extra $1.52 in comparision to if 1% of $1000 = $10 was added each month.

If that was the case $1060 would be repayable.|||The interest is given by I = Prt, where P is the principal,

r is the yearly interest rate and t is the time in years.

So the interest is 1000*.12*1/2 = 60.

The total amount to repay is therefore $1060.

DOUBLE PAY query please read?

isnt it illegal not to be paid on a bank holiday? i have worked today, a bank holiday monday and my rate is normal. leave comments please. i am slightly annoyed at this!

DOUBLE PAY query please read?car financing

The employer determines the holidays and the pay for the holidays. Some employers pay double on certain holidays and time and a half on others, only if you worked on these days.

One thing is for certain, the employer must pay everybody the same across the board. He can%26#039;t pay you straight time and someone else time and a half on the holiday.

DOUBLE PAY query please read?


Your employer sets the holidays for his company. It has nothing to do with bank holidays. Banks tend to have more of them than most employers.

What was in your contract when you began work for your employer?|||You need to be paid for the hours that you worked if you are an hourly employee. However, the company has no obligation to pay holiday pay at all, or to pay you both your regular rate and the holiday pay rate, unless they have a policy that specifies holiday pay.

In other words, there is no Federal %26quot;holiday pay%26quot; law (am assuming you%26#039;re a US employee here.)

Sorry.... :(|||Not really. You can be required to work Christmas with no overtime pay or anything. As long as they are paying you over minimum wage there is nothing you can do.|||This depends on where you work, their policies and whether you are in a union or not. Banks and government offices take many more holidays that some other employers, and the employees of other, regular employers do not get paid special wages. In retail, you work all the holidays, usually at regular pay.

Rather than have unvoiced expectations that you get angry about, why don%26#039;t you check your employee handbook or ask your employer about what holidays are paid for you.|||If you%26#039;re not working on a federally recognized holiday it%26#039;s pretty much a decision on the bank to pay you that rate. Only holiday%26#039;s recognized and observed by the government and states get you the pay your looking for.|||Check the terms of your contract, you%26#039;ll probably find that you don%26#039;t get double for bank holidays and this is perfectly legal if you have signed a contract.

How to calculate my investment in general investment account?

i have opened a general investment account recently. i put myr 500 for a period of 3 months. the bank stated that the profit rate for 3 months is 2.74. i%26#039;ll get 70% and the bank will get 30%.

how would i know how much i%26#039;ve made after 3 months?


How to calculate my investment in general investment account?credit rating

The online calculator I use will not let me enter anything less than 1 year.

But, in 1 year, a $500 deposit at 2.74% with no additional deposits will only earn $14.

So even if this was for a whole year and you only got to keep 70%, you would end up with $9.80.

You would be better off putting the money in a regular savings account where you get to keep all of the interest.

I have a bad credit rating and I am in dire need of a loan?

I find myself in dispair and in need of a loan to save myself and my small business from complete ruin. I was turned down by my local bank, due to my credit rating and have no where else to turn, are there banks, or private persons willing to give loans to foreign individiuals either in there personal capacity or as a small bussiness

I have a bad credit rating and I am in dire need of a loan?rate my teacher

In other words, you want someone else to give you money you have no intentions of paying back, right?!! Sorry buddy, you%26#039;re on your own!!!

I have a bad credit rating and I am in dire need of a loan? loan

try prosper(dot)com. someone else might be willing to lend you money, but it is a real loan just like from a bank.|||You have already demonstrated that you can%26#039;t make a success out of your business. Why would you think that others are interested in your losing THEIR money too?

That is precisely why you can%26#039;t get a loan from your bank.

Bite the bullet and go to work for someone else.|||Call a lender and tell them you have so so credit and would like to purchase a home. There are lenders out there who will work to improve your credit score to get you approved. I have heard of credit scores improving up to 100 points!|||Credit ratings, personal, or business related, were designed to help lenders determine who is deserving of monies being loaned....if your personal credit is bad, and you NEED money to save your business, you need to re-evaluate your decisions with finances all together. Without a decent credit rating, personal or business, what do you have to offer to banks showing that you%26#039;d be a good payer?

Good luck.|||That sucks. Its a bad time for everyone right now. I don%26#039;t think banks are going to be going out of their way to someone with a bad credit rating. Keep trying tho! Good luck! Try looking for grants and stuff as well since you are a small buisness......|||Do you have anyone who trust you enough to be a co-signer? If so then that%26#039;s one way you could get a loan from a bank. As long as your co-signer has good credit. And you have to make sure you make all the payments when they are suppose to be made or it will ruin your co-signers credit as well.|||Bad credit is one of the worst problems to have... however there exists a solution. I will hereby talk from my personal experience. I did debt consolidation a couple of years ago, however If I had to do it again I would pay to some minor details, if someone wants to get out of debt today it is pretty easy with a debt consolidation plan, however it may get a bit tricky at times,

I suggest you get as much information as possible online on this first, a good place to start in my humble opinion is astraight to the point ebook with question and answer I found :|||Watch them.they are every where.who i am talking about?SCAMMERS.they have reck me and my family.I needed a loan of $7,000 but i end up paying up to $3,000 without getting my loan.All hope was lost until i saw an answer directing me to spring loans inc.My loan was giving to me within two days of application.If you really need a legit lender,dont listen to all those fake lenders out there who are looking for poeple rip off of their money.Please my dear,i will advice you to go striaght to spring loans.Here is their will help you without stress.


Lily Dave|||My name is max i resides here in Boston. I have been able to secure loan from a private lender. Mr, .Lomax milton. He is a private lender in united kingdom. Im testifying to his services that he is geunine and reliable. The loan im using now in refinancing my bussiness here i boston in states was obtained from LOMAX MILTON LOAN INVESTMENT. I do here by adviced you with all sincerity and with no doubt that you should contact the said private lender. Email:lomaxmilton_loan_investment@yahoo.... THE RELIABLE PRIVATE LENDER WITH LOW INTEREST RATE. CUSTOMER-FRIENDLY|||EASY LOANS CO-OPERATION gives out loans at low interest rate 3% to

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Mrs Faith Brown.|||Hello Dear,

I am Mrs. Kate Moore About 3 years ago i got an advice from a friend to seek for online loan from this means,behold i met a man from SOFA LOAN FIRMS in UK by name Loong Kuan who came like an angel when i felt all hope was lost. I got in contact with the company through him, an they were able to loan me the sum of $72 000.00. After i have lost $3213 to online Nigerian scammer. i was able to pay back within the period of a year andsix months.Thank God for this man he sent. So if you are in any financial disability or wish to seek for loan. pls do contact SOFA LOAN FIRMS through him|||I thing you nee a Business Cash Advance

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How do i calculate this? What formula do I use?

You wish to purchase your first home. The bank will only allow a bond repayment, which is no greater than 30% of your net monthly salary. Your gross salary is $8250 per month and you have deductions of 25% per month from your salary.

Q: Calculate net salary (amount after deductions)

A: $6187.5

Q: Maximum bond repayment you can afford?

A: $1856.25

Q: The bank offers a fixed bond rate of 13,5% p.a. compunded monthly, over a 20 year period. Can you afford a flat that costs $150 000?

A: ???

Please show me how to calculate this. Thanks.

How do i calculate this? What formula do I use?construction loans

The payment will be $1810.5.

You can look up bond factors, i placed a link to a bond factor calculator. Using a bond factor makes the calculation easy.

PMT= PV/1000 * bond factor. or for you 150,000/1000*12.07

You could use a financial calculator by entering the data as N=240, I=13.5/12, PV=-150,000, FV=0, and then press calulate then PMT.

How do i calculate this? What formula do I use?


John K is right. You can also find the solution using Excel. a financial calculator is easiest:

N = 20 years x 12 months = 240

PV = 150,000 - the amount of the loan today

i = 13.5% / 12 months = 1.125

FV = 0

You solve for the payment. Therefore the monthly payment is $1,811.06 well within your limit.

Why finance stocks are going down......?????????

i herd that subrime... what is giving mortgage below prime rate.... why????? is there house price is high....?????????Why less buyer and more seller...????????any affect on bank earning...............

Why finance stocks are going down......?????????loans uk

sub-prime is a term which refers to high-risk debtors, ie people with bad credit, low credit, or low income/high risk.

When the housing market was booming for the past few years, interest rates were low and credit was real cheap. Institutional lenders were getting very lax with who they were lending money to, and they sold many Adujustable Rate Mortgages to subprime debtors.

Well, the introductory fixed rate was all well and good, and the housing market was robust, so prices were rising, and people continued to buy.

But interest rates began to rise and the low introductory fixed rate expired and the interest payments adjusted to reflect higher market rates, subprime debtors found out they couldnt afford to pay the they began selling...

and selling...

and selling....

alot of people bought houses not to live in, but to cash in on the housing boom. and as soon as they started to see a lot of selling, they wanted out, too.

So they began selling,

and selling,

and selling.

So now everyone is defaulting on banks who offered subprime loans. And many of these banks borrow money to offer loans with. So what you have is everyone borrowing money from each other. Now everyone is asking for their money back, but because no one has the money to pay off their loans, there%26#039;s a liquidity crisis.

So basically its all a wicked chain reaction. And that%26#039;s whats causing the stock market to slump.

Why finance stocks are going down......?????????


sub-prime does not mean giving mortgages below the prime rate even thought it certainly sounds that way. What that refers to is mortgages given to people who are not prime candidates for mortgages, ie lousy credit risks.

The reason financial stocks are dropping is because no one know what effect the mortgage fallout will have on these companies. The whole thing could cause a chain reaction with one thing leading to another and a nuclear melt down of the financial community could result. That is the fear and people are dumping any and every stock that is involved in finance.

Depending on whether you are an optomist or a pessamist, it is either a good time to buy financial stocks or a good time to sell them. It appears that currently there are more of the latter in the woods.

Being somewhat of a bargain hunter myself, I have been selectively nibbling on them. Hope I do not regret that.|||Makes no difference whether it%26#039;s finance stocks, high tech stocks, bio tech stocks, the Dow Jones 30 or that secret tip you happen to over-hear at the club, invest with the following advice, the good ones go bad and the bad ones get good. Life works on a sine wave and any and all of those stocks are subject to and succumb to that sine wave. Some stocks may seem hotter that the others but only because %26quot;someone%26quot; in the know may be talking louder than %26quot;someone%26quot; else. Chances are they are minimally involved with the stock or stock sector any way. It%26#039;s not your father%26#039;s stock market anymore. Investing in seasonal stocks are probably the safest.

How do I calculate this bond repayment sum?

You wish to purchase your first home. The bank will only allow a bond repayment, which is no greater than 30% of your net monthly salary. Your gross salary is $8250 per month and you have deductions of 25% per month from your salary.

Q: Calculate net salary (amount after deductions)

A: $6187.5

Q: Maximum bond repayment you can afford?

A: $1856.25

Q: The bank offers a fixed bond rate of 13,5% p.a. compunded monthly, over a 20 year period. Can you afford a flat that costs $150 000?

A: ???

Please show me how to calculate this. Thanks.

How do I calculate this bond repayment sum?yes loans

Required EMI = 150,000/ AF(13.5/12% , 20*12)

where AF is annuity factor, 13.5/12% is the monthly rate and 20*12 is number of months.

where AF (r,n)= annuity factor with rate r and number of periods n

= 1/(1+r) + 1/(1+r)^2 + .... (1/(1+r)^n

= 1/r - 1/(r(1+r)^n)

Alternatively use PMT function on Excel.

So, EMI = $1181

Thus you can afford the loan.

Borrow money from people?

how you can borrow monen from people as a bank or goverment like prime rate how you can offer cd like bank or brokrage company do.

Borrow money from people?education loans

You can lend and borrow money at

Borrow money from people? loan

you can borrow money but you have to pay the person back as for trying to be like a bank will i don%26#039;t think it would work...

Question listed below?

Kassie borrowed $1000 from the bank at a 12% interest rate. How much money will kassie have to pay the bank over a six month period of time?

Question listed below?interest only loan

If she pays it all back after 6 months, she will have to pay the $1000 principle plus 12%/2=6% interest, which, on $1000 is $60 for a total of $1060.

Question listed below? loan

1,120.00|||It depends on whether the loan is based on simple interest or compound interest. It also depends on the length of the loan, how often payments are made and whether the payments are the same each time (such as on a mortgage).

But assuming the question means to ask how much interest is due on the loan after six months, assuming nothing has been paid to date:

For simple interest at a 12% annual interest rate, 6% of the balance will be due as interest after a half year. That is $60.

If it is compound interest and the interest is compounding continuously rather than daily or some other period, the interest accumulated is : $1000*(1.12)^(0.5) - $1000 = $58.30

Note: this may seem like a better deal in the short term, but if this interest is not paid off, six months later the interest is due on the unpaid interest as well and an additional $61.70 is due.

Credit cards are based on compound interest, so anytime you pay less than the amount of interest that has been charged in the last payment period, you will have even more additional interest due the next period.

How dumb is it to deport illegal immigrants?

A study by the Rand Corporation, conducted by Kevin McCarthy and Georges Vernez, came to the conclusion that immigrants do not have a negative effect on the earnings and the employment opportunities of native-born Americans.[2]

An increasing number of banks contend that providing undocumented residents with mortgages helps revitalize local communities, as they buy and rebuild run-down properties. According to the executive vice president of Banco Popular, the bank has found no higher rate of default in home loans to illegal immigrants than any other market the company serves.[3]

Taxation Professor of Law Francine Lipman writes in a 2006 paper in the peer-reviewed journal Tax Lawyer of the American Bar Association Section of Taxation that the belief that undocumented migrants are exploiting the US economy and cost more in services than they contribute to the economy is %26quot;undeniably false%26quot;.

How dumb is it to deport illegal immigrants?boat loans

Thanks for the info. Where did you copy and paste all this information from?

How dumb is it to deport illegal immigrants? loan

If we let criminal aliens do as they please why bother enforcing any other laws that actual citizens break?|||Yes, the three illegal aliens plotting to blow up Fort Dix were an economic asset indeed.

Secure the border first, then we can discuss %26quot;amnesty%26quot; or %26quot;immigration reform%26quot;|||It is not dumb at all! They broke the law. America is a nation of laws. If you give them a pass, you should give all criminals a pass!|||Not as dumb as letting them stay, showing them amnesty and mooching off of us.|||I have no problem with illegal immigrants. It%26#039;s not they%26#039;re fault their country is so corrupt that it can%26#039;t generate any wealth. If you believe you can succeed through hard work, you are a contribution to this country. Mexicans know more about the american dream than we do.

But you do not come here to be a parasite on productive society. Nobody should be able to demand money from their fellow Americans so they can sit on their *** and pretend to be looking for a job.|||Why do you only quote liberal sources. Why not look at what is actually going on. They cost us billions in health care each year. The gobble up welfair moneys like it was candy. The tax benifit of the few that do pay taxes doesnt amount to enough money to support even half of them. As far a jobs that can not be proven as our people are not given the chance to work them. Besides less than 2% of the illegal immigrants work for less than minum wage.|||they%26#039;ve broken our laws and that%26#039;s why they%26#039;re being deported!|||My favorite number you sited was the 1.4 million immigrants with ITN- 1/2 of those being illegal aliens.

Considering there are 12 million illegal aliens in the United States of America and approx 700,000.0 filed taxes that just leaves 11 million 300,000 more to apply for ITN and file their taxes.|||THAT%26#039;S THE SMARTEST IDEA EVER! LETS ARREST, DEPORT, AND BUILD THE WALL!|||I think this non-issue is going to propel some real caveman into office in 2008. The GOP strategists are brilliant. People are really dumb and uninformed.

There wouldn%26#039;t be a problem with any immigration if American business was undermining our economy by cutting jobs, destroying employees pensions and benefits and outsourcing. But because that%26#039;s the real agenda the GOP need to blame someone, because they can%26#039;t face the complicity of Business (including their own president and his cronies) in destroying the earning potential of all Americans.

No, they shouldn%26#039;t be allowed to come in illegally. But who are you going to punish? Them, or the businesses that thrive on their presence?

How about a real answer to this, oh nativists?|||It%26#039;s a mucked up situation - I have no love for law breakers but I think the hatred the right has for them is misguided. We need rational solutions not emotional ones.|||So.. you have 1 study that says they don%26#039;t. While the other 90000 say they do?

Sure.. let%26#039;s go with the 1.|||Well first did it occur to you that the Rand corporation is in the

business community%26#039;s back pocket?, and they put out these statistics to do precisely what you%26#039;re doing here. I know what these people are costing the health care system, I have family in health care and more and more hospitals are closing, (California is almost in crisis mode) from providing health care for the waves of these people, and their 3-4-5-6 whatever kids. Not to mention the costs to the legal system, and other services, and the depression of wages their being here has brought. So the Rand corp. can say whatever it wants but I know first hand it%26#039;s a bunch of BS|||Do you people even know what you%26#039;re talking about?

Where do you get your information to be able to say that illegals come here to mooch off of us? How you can you base your opinion on heresay and rumors?

Do you actually personally KNOW any illegals??

Have you ever been in one of those countries to see face to face how they live? It%26#039;s always the folks that do not possess enough valid information or actual have had one one experience with an illegal that have the harshest things to say.

You need to learn alot more about them before you can make statements such as they are %26#039;moochers!%26#039; That%26#039;s one of the stupidest things I%26#039;ve heard as an argument against them.

They WANT to work!

I knew illegals( now legal permanent residents or U.S. citizens) who were paying income taxes b/c they had a working permit with a SS# given to them by the IRS.

They came here to work (and are DAMN hard workers) and paid their way in every aspect of the word-NEVER went on public assistance for ANYTHING.

If you were ever actually in one of those countries and saw how hard it is to make a living, if you ever actually befriended an illegal, you wouldn%26#039;t be saying those harsh things.

You would actually be educated on the economy and welfare of those countries.

Work is hard to come by, in most cases you must have a H.S. diploma in order to even get a job, then you%26#039;ll end up earning $3 a DAY, and when you go shopping for necessities you can hardly afford to buy a $6 can of coffee or a $5 bottle of Suave shampoo. Most people use public buses for transportation since they can%26#039;t afford a car(cars are even more expensive there!)

Not only do they earn so little, but to purchase even the basic necessities is outrageous!

I know this information from people I know who live in El Salvador. And yes, I%26#039;ve been there also so I have two accurate sources of information-from my own experience and from actually KNOWING people residing in one of those countries.

They help this country more than many of you realize.

Deporting all 12 million of them is not only one of the worst decisions, but is also highly impossible! Who is going to be able to FIND them all?

But if those of you that are pushing for deportation as some %26quot;miracle%26quot; actually get your wish, then and only then will you realize what an asset they were/are to this country and then you%26#039;ll be on here crying about what a mistake that was.

Refinance - Web Closing?

I am about to refinance my mortgage with one of the biggest banks in the country. Interest rate is great. Closing fee is very minimal. They told me, I can do web closing or go to any of the branches. For web closing, I will have to give the closing company (an affiliate of the bank), the Power of Attorney and some body from the closing company will sign on my behalf. I will have to login at a scheduled time and some one from the closing company will walk me thru each of the document.

I have never heard about this. Has anyone heard anything like this?

Refinance - Web Closing?loan forgiveness

Go in person! Having done over 1000 closing, I know that there is usually at least one change, etc. Go in person!

Refinance - Web Closing? loan

Nope. I personally would want to close in person and read and receive the hardcopy documents.|||I have heard of this forthcoming...In fact, the bank I work for will be doing it in 2008. My biggest concerns would be:

1) Internet security. make certain that your information is safe. Look for the lock symbol.

2) Make certain that the Power of Attorney is a Specific POA, not a general. I would assume that the POA will be a Specific, just make certain. A general POA gives too much %26quot;Power%26quot;

Take care and welcome to the next new technology. Pretty soon we will never even have to leave home. Except of course to move.|||No, I don%26#039;t know anything about that, but you can check or call 1(877)8558111 and Representative can you help with that. Just give this information for a free consultation: Rep. Last name is VALENCIA, PIN# MAAR9. Good Look . God Bless YOU. AND HAPPY THANKS GIVEN DAY. P/DYou have to be carefully with that kind of transaction because you can lose your money and your time.|||I hope it not countrywide.....|||Always go in person, if they change something, how would you know? Next thing you know your in a 1 yr adjustable instead of a 30 yr fixed. just go.

Waste of time?!Confused!?

We applied for a car loan yesterday, the deal called us back and said there was a bank who needed more information (last years taxes) so we faxed them. Now, does this mean we got the loan? the bank also gave the interest rate,but never said what the down payment would be.

we are suppose to find out later whats going on but I cant stand waiting lol

Thanks for your help

Waste of time?!Confused!?bridge loan

Just be patient .. they are working on it and probably negotiating your rate, etc ..

Good Luck!

Waste of time?!Confused!?


call the bank or the dealership|||Most likely you have informed them of how much money you make already. As long as the tax returns support the information that you have provided them, you should be fine and hopefully you should hear back within the next couple of hours the final end result. Good luck:)|||If they have calculated the interest rate for the car you want, they%26#039;ve already taken into account your down payment. You should have indicated how much you have to put down on the loan application.

It sounds like you%26#039;ve been approved, but they are trying to figure out the most interest they can charge you. Reject the first offer and get it low!|||This DOES NOT MEAN you got the means they are trying other financial institutions to TRY and get you patient..they may find one for you

Professionals only, please: I am a professional and I send monthly statements for services rendered

prior to receiving one, each client has signed an agreement specifying interest rate of 18% if not paid within 15 days. Statements also make this clear. Despite, this, the majority of my statements are not paid on time. Because I don%26#039;t want to be a bank, I charge a high rate of interest. Clients don;t seem to care - they either ignore and pay the orig balance eventually, or sometimes just go ahead and pay with int. But hate having to chase them down and the interest can lead to disputes / hard feelings. Lately, instead of just throwing in stuff for free, I itemize it, list price, then indicate on bill it%26#039;s free if statement is paid on time; if not, it%26#039;s going to be on next statement. This is also made clear in plain English on statement - it too fails to motivate timely payment from most clients. Any recommendations? Maybe 15 days is too quick, but I fail to see how a 30 day deadline is going to make anyone pay any quicker!? The credit cards and others don%26#039;t allow 30 days.

Professionals only, please: I am a professional and I send monthly statements for services rendered -?no fax loan

It%26#039;s a problem that all businesses and all professionals face -- some percentage of clients won%26#039;t pay, and some will pay late.

30 days is more common in many industries, and might help your situation because many people operate on a monthly budget cycle -- especially if you notice that the people paying late tend to pay within the 30 day window if not the 15 day mark.

I like your idea about the %26quot;free if paid on time%26quot; parts -- that%26#039;s creative and a good way to incentivize people. Other than that, it just part of doing business.

Professionals only, please: I am a professional and I send monthly statements for services rendered -?


Most businesses I have dealt with offer their sevices %26quot;interest free%26quot; if paid within a certain time frame. Usually 15% charge after 15 days past due. You are a little higher interest wise but are not alone in your billing practices.|||Rather than focus on the slow-pays, why dont you consider giving a discount for clients who pay within a prescribed time frame. For example, a business might give a 3 percent discount if the invoice is paid within 10 days, a 2 percent within 15 days, and a 1 percent if paid within 30 days.

Many busineses are very loathe to pay interest to other businesses. I think it%26#039;s probably not worth your time to chase this down for people who pay within 45 days, but take a hard stance against clients who are chronically slow-pays even after 45 days.

I have an idea about how to pay off my student loans. What's your opinions? See below.?

All numbers are rough numbers, so the idea comes through better:

I borrowed 20,000 from the government, which I am set up to pay back at 5% interest over the next 10 years.

If I were to lend 20,000 to a bank at a higher interest rate, over the same time frame, wouldn%26#039;t I be able to use the interest income I earned from the 20,000 I lent to pay off the interest expense incurred on the 20,000 I borrowed?

Of course I would, if I lent at a higher rate than I borrowed. My question to you is: Is this arbitrage possible in the real world?

I have an idea about how to pay off my student loans. What%26#039;s your opinions? See below.?finance

It%26#039;s possible, but would only make sense if you only owed the interest. Since you have to pay back principal and interest, the interest you earn by lending your $20k would have to be substantially higher in order to repay the principal balance and the interest. If you want to save some money, take your $20k and pay off your debt now. Although 5% is a pretty low rate and you might get some tax benefit for paying it, you shouldkeep your debt at a manageable level until you get finacially established.

I have an idea about how to pay off my student loans. What%26#039;s your opinions? See below.? loan

its done all the time|||yes with a capital YES|||u know what my boy i think u should prove your inteligency in exam rather than on net,tell u what u not gonna finish that dgre and when u drop out and work in construction u wont even afford to payback the debt, the taxman will knock on your door, ur 3 seconds to credit bureu, pls study hard and forget conning the goverment|||The interest you earn, which by the way, won%26#039;t come near that 5%, will be taxed, whereby you will lose in the long run. If you loan it out to an individual and it is not secured, and he doesn%26#039;t pay you back, you lose again. You got a good loan deal with 5%, pay it off and save you credibility.

Math help?????

If XYZ Bank pays a monthly interest rate of 0.5%, how much is the yearly rate? Please show your equation.

Math help?????military loans


Math help????? loan

12 X 0.5%|||12.0




Opening a savings account in another country?

interest rates are really bad right now in US so i was wondering if i can open a savings account in another country i was looking at NAB i believe its an australian bank. do i have to be a citizen? anyone know other banks with high interest rates?

Opening a savings account in another country?horses for loan

I would check with one of the US banks, i.e., JP Morgan Chase. They are there to help. The US dollar is not worth much outside of the US. The Euro dollar is worth twice, a big consideration in moving funds at this time. Even if there interest rates are better the exchange rate would defeat the purpose.

Opening a savings account in another country? loan

I hold bank accounts in the UK and I%26#039;m not husband has bank accounts in the US and he%26#039;s not American.

We do though hold them as joint accounts and one of us being the right citizen for each country helps I think.

Another issue you may have missed though is even if you get to open the accounts, when you transfer your money into them it will be converted to the local currency from US dollars at the current exchange rate.

And since the dollar is weak at the moment you lose an awful lot of it%26#039;s value in the exchange.

Interest rates may be higher in some countries but it%26#039;s debatable if the cost is worth it.|||Depends on the country. I have bank accounts in four countries that I am not a citizen of. Some countries require nothing and anyone can open a bank account. Some countries require that you have a local address, some require that you be a resident, a select few require that you actually be a citizen.

Some countries will pay extra interest for foreigners although I haven%26#039;t seen that recently.

I really don%26#039;t understand what you are trying to do. Odds are you do not have enough money to make this worth while. The difference in interest will never be greater than the transaction costs. If you do have enough money to make it worth while why is it in a bank account? That has to be one of the worst possible places to keep large sums of money. Any funds that are needed for the sake of liquidity should not be in a bank account.

Something else that you needs to be considered is that in a US bank you money to a specific amount is insured should the bank fail. This is not true of all countries and further even of the countries it is true for some do not provide that protection to foreigners.|||THE BEST BET NOW IS ONLINE SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.



Math help????

If XYZ Bank pays a monthly interest rate of 0.5%, how much is the yearly rate? Please show your equation.

Math help????credit cards

.05 to the twelth power, you can work it out from here

Math help???? loan

Whaaaaaa???! :0|||I may be wrong but I would assume that it would be 6% being 0.5% x 12 months.|||compounded?? search wikipedia for %26quot;interest formulas%26quot; --%26gt; its always better to do your own homework..|||12 months * .05% per month = 6% per annum|||0.5% x 12 months = 6%|||compund interest problem!!

suppose u have n dollars in the bank.

at the end of 1st month u%26#039;ll have $[n + (0.005 x n)] = (1.005 x n)

at the end of 2nd month u%26#039;ll have $(1.005 x 1.005 x n) = $(1.005^2 x n)

so at the end of 12th month u%26#039;ll have $([1.005^12] x n)

that is $1.06n.

so the interest rate is (0.06 x 100) = 6%.|||0.5% x 12 months in a year = 6.00

Lending via Zopa?

Has anybody any experience of ledning through Zopa?

It looks likely that banks will cut interest rates to stimulate the ecconomy over the next year however due to the credit crunch there still may be limited credit supply. This should mean a higher differential between saving and borrowing rates thus making lending (and borrowing) more attractive through a site like Zopa.

I%26#039;ve got a few grand in the bank and was wondering how much bother it would be to try to increase my returns by lending it out through Zopa. I wanted to know what the pitfalls/tax implications are.

Lending via Zopa?exchange rate

The returns at Zopa are likely to be around 6%-7% with significant risk (ie the credit crunch is related to excessive defaults which Zopa will not be immune to).

I did some lending at Prosper last year. The main difference is that Zopa picks your loans for you (after you decide what types of borrowers you want), while at Prosper you pick the specific loans you want to be involved in. They both have low returns given the amount of risk involved.

Here is an independant forum where both sites are discussed (Prosper much more than Zopa):

If you do decide to lend money, learn as much as you can first. Learning will save you loads of $$ in mistakes.

The tax consequences are also bad with lending. The interest is all taxable immediately. I would recommend a tax concious mutual fund. Even better is a tax advantaged account (IRA, ROTH, 401k) if you have not maxed those out already.

Best of luck in your investments!

Will SunTrust upgrade my checking account for free if I....?

I want to upgrade my checking account to a %26quot;preferred checking account%26quot; that earns interest (low rate). The account, however, has a $9 fee if the $2500 daily collected balance is not met. If I go in to my local branch and tell them I%26#039;m considering switching to another bank for their 4% interest rate with no minimum balance but want to stay with SunTrust if possible, will they drop the fee?

Will SunTrust upgrade my checking account for free if I....?credit report

Yes, they will probably drop the fee.

Will SunTrust upgrade my checking account for free if I....? loanThey will absolutely NOT offer you the %26quot;preferred checking account %26quot; without the fees that go with that account. What they probably WILL do is offer you a different account that has terms nearly identical to those offered by the other bank. Report It

Representing Multiple Currencies in Double Entry Bookkeeping?

I%26#039;m not interested in any packages or software, just how this is done conceptually.

If I bill European clients in euros where I normally use US$, how does the exchange rate work when putting together a transaction.

For example: I invoice Company A for E2000. I get a transaction like

Sales - CR $2400

Invoices Payable (Euros) - DB E2000

Then they settle up with me

Invoices Payable (Euros) - DB E2000

Cash at Bank - CR $2200

The exchange rate changes all the time - and as it stands I%26#039;ve lost $200 here - how do you get these figures to balance?

I%26#039;m not an accountant, and I have magical software to actually do this for me, but I%26#039;m trying to understand how double-entry bookkeeping works, so I%26#039;d like to know :)

Thanks in advance.

Representing Multiple Currencies in Double Entry Bookkeeping?credit score

Just remember double entry doesn%26#039;t mean only two lines - it means two sides to the entry. Ignoring actual exchange rates, the entry would be something like this:

Sales $2400 CR

AR 鈧?000 DR

Payment goes

AR 鈧?000 CR

Cash $2200 DR

Loss 200 DR

Loss would be named, perhaps, gain/loss on exchange rate. You can either net them, or debit a loss account, and credit a gain account. Hope that helps.

I need to cash a cheque made out in my name, the cheque is in Euros and i want to convert it into po

I want the best rate possible , so don%26#039;t want to use a UK bank and their terrible exchange rates . Any ideas ?

I need to cash a cheque made out in my name, the cheque is in Euros and i want to convert it into pounds .?signature loan

The xheque will have to be paid into your account because it will no doybt be crossed which means taht yeah your stuck with the rubbish bank rates. Be aware though that it could take upto weeks to clear instead of the usual 5 days. Not good news Im afraid

I need to cash a cheque made out in my name, the cheque is in Euros and i want to convert it into pounds .? loan

Your bank should be able to handle that process with no problem. A foreign check will take longer to clear through deposit. If you don%26#039;t have a bank account then apply for one. If you can%26#039;t open a regular bank account go to account now on the web and open a checkless bank account. If you expect more foreign checks sign up for direct deposit to your account. The bank will make the conversion|||Sorry but you have to get stuffed as it will need paying into your bank account. You will then get a poor exchange rate AND a handling charge! Next time insist on being paid in sterling.

What was the result?

The Federal Reserve lowered interest rates after a time, but in 1930 and 1931, when the AMerican economy had already taken a downturn, more bank runs occured in many countries, and againn gold flowed out of the United States. To keep gold in the United States, the Federal Banks again raised interest rates. What was the result?

What was the result?rate my

Ahh crap...If i kept up with my AP US history nightly reading I would be able to tell you, we%26#039;re right at the FDR presidency.

Maybe ill try to find out tomorrow and edit my answer

What was the result?


Interest rates going up squeezed out liquidity and worsened the depression. This is a fairly widespread view and seems to make sense. However, the central bankers of the time were not completely crazy (just wrong), since there was (and probably is) some thought that, if depressions are a %26quot;natural%26quot; phenomenon, the faster and deeper the depresion, the quicker it will be over. There was reason behind profuse bloodletting to cure some diseases in the 18th century. Unfortunately, though diseases may have been cured, the patient often died. This is why bloodletting (in medicine) was dropped as a bad idea and is not really popular in economic policy.|||The result was ten more years of the artificial Depression, the crisis caused by keeping the borrowing rate at 3%, handing money to any incompetent calling himself a CEO and issuing stock and letting people pay a %26quot;margin rate%26quot; of 10 cents for stocks on the dollar.

We never came financially out of the Depression; we only spent our way out of it arming for World War II. The money then went to government-connected contractors, corporations and the like. The only true recovery came with the Democrats, under John Kennedy. Because their legislation among other things undid the three things I mentioned. They tried, sometimes the wrong way, to assure that union members got better pay, they raised the margin rate to 50% and the borrowing rate was kept at a sensible level--as Alan Greenspan later tried to keep it also. But once Nixon, and Reagan were elected, the US citizen lost any gains that had been made. The run-up to the Depression began in the 20s when the Republicans used the federal reserve--expected by naive Democrats to be used stabilize availability of currency to the country%26#039;s citizens as a whole--to try to create an artificial gold mine handed over exclusively to their elite class of cronies, bankers, insurance companies, corporate officers, lobbyists and overpaid government bureaucrats at every level.

My father made 4,000 in 1941, working for the post office; now a mailman makes 28,000. But to live as well as he did back then, you%26#039;d have to make 96,000. And he belonged to an elite group--a government-connected group--back then. Imagine how much worse the rest of us are doing. So when the Depression was caused and panic set in, nothing was really done that made it better once interest rate were raised; no cure was possible by doing that.

8.9% Car loan Vs. 1.99% balance transfer for life... Could I or should I transfer that amount ?

I have a car loan from Toyota Financial and I owe a total of $8,838.94 with a 8.9% interest rate for over a year already. With that in mind, I recently recieve a credit card applicaton from First National Bank of Omaha with a rate of 1.99% fix for life on balance transfer. Could I or should I transfer that amount to the 1.99% credit card to pay off my car loan? Or should I think about refinancing from Toyota? Thanks for the advise, I%26#039;ll look forward from all of you.



8.9% Car loan Vs. 1.99% balance transfer for life... Could I or should I transfer that amount ?rate my professor

If they will allow you to do that.... YES... by all means do the X-fer... you are saving 7% APR...


You%26#039;ll have the title to the car.. free and clear!! SMART MOVE!!!

8.9% Car loan Vs. 1.99% balance transfer for life... Could I or should I transfer that amount ?


I think this is some useful site: http://carloan.autoonlineguide... Report It

|||If the 1.99% is per month then it is nearly 24% per year. Read the fine print on the offer.|||transfers usually have a 1 time service charge that has to be factored in|||Credit card balance transfer is one of the preferred ways to get rid of credit card debt and is used by many people to get immediate relief. Credit card balance transfer essentially means that we transfer our outstanding balances from a high APR credit card to a credit card which offers low APR%26#039;s. A 0% Intro APR credit card is the preferred credit card to transfer balances, but because of the widespread misuse of such credit card offers, credit card companies have withdrawn all such offers.

Indeed balance transfer saves a lot of money and can save things from going worse, but many people simply don%26#039;t know the right way to do balance transfer. This article takes a look at the correct process to initiate and complete the balance transfer.

The first thing to look out, when a person wants to transfer his balances is a credit card which offers the lowest apr rates and lowest balance transfer fees. Many online credit card companies offer credit card comparisons. It is indeed a good practice to search for the credit cards using their services and decide on a credit card which offers the maximum savings. It is important to note here that balance transfer APRs depend on a person%26#039;s credit history. If the credit card in question offers the lowest rates, it is definitely for those with the best credit ratings. There are different balance transfer apr%26#039;s for people with lower credit ratings. So, it becomes imperative that one chooses the credit card which offers the lowest apr and balance transfer fees for his credit ratings. Read more from :

If the fed controls intrest rates, then how come banks all offer loans at different intrest rates?

depends on how much profit the bank wants to make!!!

If the fed controls intrest rates, then how come banks all offer loans at different intrest rates?payment calculator

fed rate is what banks borrow money from the goverment.

the difference between the rate you pay and the rate the bank borrows money at is called income to the bank.

This is a very simple explaination.

If the fed controls intrest rates, then how come banks all offer loans at different intrest rates?


The interest rate the Fed controls is called the Prime Rate, and it is the rate that banks charge EACH OTHER to lend money. Based on what the banks have to pay to get the money that they lend to you, they set the interest rate.

That is only part of the way they set interest rates. It is kind of like an %26quot;overhead expenses%26quot; car loans might cost a higher or lower interest rate than a home loan, because of how much it costs the bank to lend you that money, and make a profit. Part of that cost includes people who default (don%26#039;t pay up!). Most student loans are guaranteed by the government, so they get paid. Most car loans have a car they can at least repossess and sell, so that is factored in, but a car can be wrecked, or stolen, or hidden. Houses are harder to hide or wreck, but cost that%26#039;s factored into home mortgage rates. Big banks have more resources than small banks, but small banks offer low rates to get people in the door.|||The feds don%26#039;t control the banks . They try to make a profit and increase the interest rates.|||The Fed is not a government agency, it is a federally chartered (incorporated) private banking corporation with member banks. It controls the prime rate, and the money (credit) supply by restricting how much money banks can create through fractional reserve banking by adjusting their reserve requirements. Currency is someone else%26#039;s debt - usually the federal government%26#039;s debt.

What the other banks charge for interest is their business, and what the market will accept. This subject is very boring -- but extremely profitable....

Why not lend to banks?

If the Federal Funds Rate is money traded back and forth between banks in order to keep their reserve rate current, why not loan money to the bank?

Why not lend to banks?credit check

When you have a CD, you are essentially loaning money to the bank. Anything that pays you interest is loaning your money that in turn is loaned out to someone else. The bank is the middleman coming and going.

What is the best loan option for prospective grad students?

Should I get a loan from a bank or from a student loan company? Which is more affordable? If bank, any specific bank with lowest interest rates? If other, which one is best option? Thank you!

What is the best loan option for prospective grad students?student finance

Your best bet for grad school is the federal GradPLUs loan. Federal loans typically have the best interest rates and most generous repayment options. You must start by filling out your FAFSA.

If you%26#039;ve missed the FAFSA deadline for this year, private student loans are also available. These loans are credit-based, which means the interest rate will probably be variable, and based on your credit history. Having a cosigner with good credit can help. Private student loans are usually more expensive than federal loans, but still have benefits over %26quot;bank%26quot; loans, such as potential interest deduction on your taxes.

Explore your options, and borrow only what you need, b/c you will have to pay it all back eventually.

UK Interest Rates?

Will the Bank of England raise interest rates today, leave them unchanged, or lower them? What signal will this send to the economy?

UK Interest Rates?credit union

I think they will go up 1/4 % today...... gas prices and house prices will force the rate up I think in order to keep inflation under control. If they don%26#039;t rise today then they certainly will next month.

UK Interest Rates? loan

they%26#039;ll stay the same this time then raise 1/4% next time.

Its still a good economy for now, but we%26#039;ve gotta stop borrowing or this country will go to pot!|||I imagine they will stay the same. Although given that house prices are still rising there may be pressure to put them up slightly in the future.|||cost more to borrow hence price rises|||I think they%26#039;ll go up 0.25%, for the reasons given already by little weed.

Is it a co-incidence that whilst the Banks report record profits, consumers report record debt?

Whilst the Banks are reprting record profits and consumers reporting record debt is there a connection between the two?

With readily availible debt being promoted by the Banks at high interest rates ,along with high punative charges are we being seduced by the Banks and Government to borrow in order to fill their coffers?

Credit card debt is reported currently at 锟?8 billion, conservatively the Government collected 锟?10 billion in VAT from this, if the money was used for petrol, booze or fags this contribution is four fold,Banks of course accrue interest and charges above this.

Is this Robin Hood in reverse,fleece the poor to give to the already rich?

Is it a co-incidence that whilst the Banks report record profits, consumers report record debt?heart rate

Banks exist to make profits by lending money. So record debt means record lending, boosting the banks profits.

Is it a co-incidence that whilst the Banks report record profits, consumers report record debt? loan

Despite all the stories of the %26#039;nanny state%26#039;, and whilst some may disagree (I, for one, believe no-one shoiuld be granted a credit card without having at least an %26#039;O Level%26#039; in maths) we still live in a Society where anyone has the absolute RIGHT to CHOOSE to be Poor (if they so wish).

Those with Credit card debt did it to themselves .. I have absolutely no sympathy for them at all ... those who choose to sign up to Barclay-card (or similar), then CHOOSE to spend thousands of 锟★俊锟?#039;s on rubbish (and pay 18%+ interest) will eventually get everything that%26#039;s coming to them.

Best quote I every heard is %26quot;The Poor turn Cash into Crap - the Rich turn Crap into Cash%26quot;. - if you are Poor, all I can say is WAKE UP and stop spending money you haven%26#039;t got ... instead you should sign up to Evening Classes and learn how to manage your own finances.

What are the point of short term cds? Or any CD for that matter.?

The interest rates are low and you can find banks with competing interest rates just in a savings account. So why use a CD. For example, an HSBC CD has a rate of 2.5% w/ minimum deposit of $1,000. Lets say you do a year. You basically only earn $23.00. Might as well just keep it in your savings right?

Im looking for ways to save my money but have it work for me as much as possible in a small amount of time. I live in Connecticut where home prices are just ridiculous. Too many rich people up here. I am trying to save for a home but I almost feel its hopeless. Unless I want to move to crime ridden Bridgeport and New Haven, it seems I may be out of luck. Any ideas or tips would be appreciated. I am single, $59000 salary, and only a few thousand in savings right now. Paying off a $3,000 credit card payment but no car payment.

What are the point of short term cds? Or any CD for that matter.?credit counseling

A CD typically pays higher interest than a savings account because you are exchanging liquidity (it%26#039;s locked up for a period of time) for a higher return (higher interest rate).

The basic premise in investing is that higher risk may earn higher rewards. Bank CDs are insured by the FDIC, so the risk of loss is low. Investing the same money in the stock market, which isn%26#039;t insured, may earn you more money for the same period of time as the CD but with more risk of losing your investment.

So, a CD is just a safe investment for a period of time.

What are the point of short term cds? Or any CD for that matter.?


CDs were designed as a way to earn interest on money that had to be kept fairly liquid. The high-interest savings accounts are a fairly new concept - they didn%26#039;t exist a few years ago. If you can get a better rate in a savings account, go for it. Just make sure the bank offering the account is federally insured (most of the big banks are).

You should be focusing on these things:

1) Build an emergency savings account. If you don%26#039;t have one, then the next time an unexpected expense happens, there goes your house down-payment. This should be about 3-6 months of living expenses

2) Pay of your credit card debt, and avoid charging anything to your card that you can%26#039;t pay off in full within a month

3) Reduce your expenses so that you have more room to save. You may not like living frugally, but if you live frugally for a year or two, you%26#039;ll have your own house for the rest of your live. It%26#039;s two years of sacrifice for 30 years of comfort.

Why is GST not increased instead of interest rates to reduce spending?

My understanding regarding interest rate increases is that the outcome is to reduce spending, it would appear to me that those who have house loans are not able to spend anyway and it is those without house loans who are the culprits. So why do we not increase the GST instead of interest rates? This would reduce the large bank profits and allow more infrastructures to health education, roads and so on to be carried out and would benefit all, instead of a minority and reduce fnancial pressure on families.

Why is GST not increased instead of interest rates to reduce spending?credit repair

Good question but don%26#039;t tempt the pollies

Why is GST not increased instead of interest rates to reduce spending? loan

Higher interest rates allow people to save their money and get a greater return on their money to invest it later. The government already has tons of money to spend on roads, education, etc. but it never seems to make it to this point. It seems to be invested right now across the seas. Taxing goods and services hurts, but most of the big spending has interest involved. For instance, if you want to control spending, you might not worry about groceries and stereos as much as you would purchases on houses and cars. These big purchases require interest rates.

One must be very careful raising in taxes as a politician, because it is hard to reduce taxes once they have been raised, especially with the Democrats in our houses, and their potential to fully take over in 2008.

What Business Checking Account Gives the Best International Exchange Rates?

I am attempting to get wire transfers from other countries into the US. Does anyone know what bank gives the best exchange rates? Ive gotten literally a 20% hit with the bank I currently am using

What Business Checking Account Gives the Best International Exchange Rates?postage rate

try from hsbc...

its fair enough n clean

What is the best place to get us dollars i need a thousand?

please dont say the bank looking for best exchange rate

What is the best place to get us dollars i need a thousand?honda finance

Post Office,Commission Free

What is the best place to get us dollars i need a thousand? loan

you did not mention what currency you want to exchange them for?

generally the best place to buy USD would be at a private money exchange- the rates are much better than the banks.

Traveler cheques to Indonesia?

I am going to Indonesia in a few weeks. I plan to bring traveler cheques because I heard the country is quite danger. Can I change traveler cheque to cash in any bank in Indonesia? Is the rate good? Or is it better for me to bring Euro in cash? Thanks for your help.

Traveler cheques to Indonesia?heart rate monitor

Yes, Indonesian banks do accept T cheques. You can also bring plastic (Visa, Mastercard ...) and get your local currency from an ATM.

Indonesia is a big country. If you plan to travel on Java and Bali, I don%26#039;t foresee you%26#039;ll run into any extreme dangers.

T cheques normally give slightly better rates than cash, but you%26#039;ve had to pay fees to get the T cheques, so net it ends up being roughly same same.

Traveler cheques to Indonesia?


check with for the rates and i reckon travellers check is safe but usually i would bring u.s dollars with me.|||Depends where u are going .

i been to Bali, Bintan %26amp; Batam

They are very nice people .

Just do not wear the bling things.

They still accept credit card over here instead of cheque .|||T cheque acceptable in limited places. It%26#039;s better if u bring credit card.

U can also bring cash, but cannot be more than USD 1000, I guess. I forget the latest regulation.

Don%26#039;t need to be afraid if u put in it save place. Don%26#039;t put ur valuable things in the travel luggage. Don%26#039;t show all of your money at once, put it in several save places.

To change into Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), I think the rates is better in bank rather than in money changer.|||Better bring Euro in cash or withdraw from ATMS.

How to go about Gold Loan????

Hii. I am applying for a gold loan. I havent done that before. Can anyone tell me what things i need to ask or what points should i keep in mind while dealing with bank. What is floating point rate interrest. Anyone with any experience plz reply. Thanks.

How to go about Gold Loan????credit card debt

First of all, the gold offered for loan is taken as pledge, not mortgaged or hypothecated.

The bank would have its own valuation done of the gold. If the quantity is large, it is advisable to have one private valuation got done with certificate.

Take all papers and receipts from the bank for all the items pledged with them with correct description, weight etc.

Loan would be extended on the weight of the metal only, no stones or gems are considered for the purpose.

Do enquire from more than one bank before going for the loan, about the facility, features, rate of interest, formalities, charges etc. You will yourself come to know of many things, benefits, conditions etc. prevailing for such loans at any point of time.

Floating point rate is the changing rate of interest applicable from time to time on the loan extended to any borrower opting such option of rate of interest. RBI has got no or extremely little role to play in fixing such rates by the banks and each bank is free to charge its own rate, so check with different banks, as suggested above, before finalising with any particular bank.

Do ask for hidden costs specifically, for the first time and annually, if any applicable to your loan. These costs should not surprise you every now and then.

How to go about Gold Loan????


Gold loans are given by any bank.Only ornaments can be mortgaged.Net gold in an ornament(without stones)is calculated.Nearly 75%of that value is loaned with normal lending rates.Easy and immediate sanction is the rule.

Floating point interest rate is the variable interest rates fixed by reserve bank..

Mortgaged ornament is not reported to IT,or any other inquiry agency.|||I would like you to approach a government bank like SBI/ Bank of India for gold loan. It is obvious that gold loan interests are higher than home loan and as much equals to personal loan.

private banks may offer you best deals but try to know their hidden charges and then go for them.


Things to take care of when applying for gold loan?

Hii. I am applying for a gold loan. I havent done that before. Can anyone tell me what things i need to ask or what points should i keep in mind while dealing with bank. What is floating point rate interrest. Anyone with any experience plz reply. Thanks.

Things to take care of when applying for gold loan?care credit

There is some useful advice here.

Help in financial math?

Denver Company needs a loan. In an agreement worked with its banker, Denver assigns its royalty income of $4880 per month for the next 3 years with the first payment due at the end of the first month. If the bank charges interest at the rate of 9% a year compounded monthly, what is the amount of the loan negotiated between the parties?

Help in financial math?credit bureau

-You need to find the present value of an annuity, hence:

3 years = 36 payments which is %26quot;n%26quot;

R = $4,800.00

r = 9% / year compounded monthly.

m = 12


i = r / m

i = 0.09 / 12

i = 0.0075

-Calculate the present value of an annuity

P = 4800 [ 1 - ( 1.0075 ) ^ -36 ] / 0.0075

P 鈮?150,944.67

So, the amount negociated with the banker is $150,944.67

Help in financial math?


If I understand your question correctly, I think this is what you want.

There are a total of 36 months in three years, so 36 payments.

The company has to pay back the price of the royalties for each month. Any other money paid back will be interest charged (profit).

So money borrow = Royalty x No. of payments.

So money borrow = $4880 x 36

So money borrow = $175,680

I have been accepted by Cornell University in the US, but I have no money to go. How can I fund myse

Cornell has refused me any financial aid and yet my family cannot afford to pay the full fees. I have explored local (singapore) scholarships (more or less rejected), local bank loans (very high interest rate) and US scholarships. Cornell does not offer interest-free or low interest loans, as far as I know. Anyone got any ideas?? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. =) thanks!

I have been accepted by Cornell University in the US, but I have no money to go. How can I fund myself?child tax credit

First, contact the financial aid office at Cornell. There are several ways for international students to get grants and loans, and the financial aid office will have up-to-date information.

Edupass is the first website to consult. I%26#039;ve placed their address below. They have the best available information on the web for international students who plan to study in the US.

You may also want to contact outfits like the International Education Finance Corporation. (There are others, but IEFC is one of the best-known.) Consult Edupass for information about more of these loan sources.

I hope this helps!

I have been accepted by Cornell University in the US, but I have no money to go. How can I fund myself?


have you tried fafsa|||Borrow some money from friends.|||And you are not a US citizen, so you can%26#039;t get US student loans or grants.

Will you be a graduate student or an undergrad?

What is the high interest rate?|||Loans are the way to go these days with colleges. Get a good education, get a good job, and pay them off later.

That%26#039;s what everyone else does.|||A high school friend of mine went to Louisiana University for post graduate studies, one way he was able to earn a little on the side is by becoming an assistant to professor, check with the school if they offer assistanship and what are your requirements.

Good part of this is your earning are legal, and you get to know the faculty.|||Congratulations! Go to, register and apply for every grant it tells you that you are elgible for. GOOD LUCK

What to do with my $$$$?

Here%26#039;s my situation in a nutshell. I%26#039;ve worked every lousy job on the planet, put myself through college, and have managed to save some money, which is sitting in bank account at a measely rate of 4.5%. Inflation keeps biting at it. *Bite! Bite!*

I%26#039;m very risk-adverse, but realize that I MUST invest my money. I don%26#039;t want to invest in real estate for obvious reasons.

What do you guys suggest I do? 1) Invest in bonds @ 5%, 2) keep my money in CDs @ 4.5%, 3) buy an overpriced home, or 4) take my chances and risk it in the stock market???

What to do with my $$$$?mortgage lenders

Invest in any of the Peroni Funds at LPL. The minimum investment is $100K but the return is 18% to 20%.

What to do with my $$$$? loan

first, do NOT take a risk in the stock market or buy an overpriced home. All it%26#039;s gonna do is cause stress and probably debt.|||Coke and Hookers. Really good Hookers.|||It depends on how much you are talking about. I mean some people think a thousand dollars is a LOT of money. Are we talking one thousand or like one-HUNDRED thousand????|||5) Spend your money! Life%26#039;s too short, You could die tomorrow.|||I would recommend a balanced portfolio investment such as Fidelity Balanced mutual funds so that your money is getting a better return but you are not facing a lot of risk by investing in individual stocks.|||I would do the CD%26#039;S that way if something happens and you need the money it will be easy for you to get it. You can always reinvest the intrest|||You might consider real estate or buy gold. Kruggerands can be purchased at coin shops and their value keeps going up!|||If you have enough for a down payment on a home, have a steady job, then go for the house. With foreclosures up, you can probably get a good buy on a house provided you get a lock on the interest rate.

Since you have to live somewhere, then now or even in 6 months is a good time to buy. The prices are dropping. It%26#039;s the same as buying a stock in a good company. If the company is solid, then you should have confidence in it.

If you deffer your purchasing a home now, that same house will go up in price. Bet on it.

Of course, so will the stock.|||You should put some money in bonds, some in CDs and some in the market.

A balanced portfolio is always best.|||No-load indexed mutual funds.|||Since you are very risk adverse, I suggest you start setting up an emergency funds that should be worth around 6 mths of your mthly expenses. This funds should be put in very liquid assets, like money market funds to earn some interest.

Only when this fund is built, the next thing you should do is to get insurance covers. Cover yourself with insurance for hospitalisation, major illnesses, accidents and so on.

Once you have got yourself covered. Then you should move on to investing which requires you to be a risk taker.

While building your emergency funds and working on your insurance cover. Set aside some money to attend investment seminar or buy personal finance or investment books. This is to help you become more financial literate, to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage your and invest better. Only by brushing up your financial literacy, would you then have a chance of being financially secure or fiancially free.

Hope the information helps!

Money currency exchange question..?

Okay, I%26#039;m really confused on the best way to change the american dollar to the mexican peso. Should I exchange some of it before I leave or after i arrive there? If I wait till I get there, should I do it at the airport or the bank to get a better rate? And how about tipping, does anyone know how much I should give someone? And how much American money do you think I should carry?

Money currency exchange question..?unemployment rate

Banks give better exchange rates than the airport.

I recommend that you exchange some pesos before you go, and put the rest of your money in US Traveler%26#039;s Checks. That way, if you keep the receipt and something bad happens, you can get your money back.

You can exchange any travelers checks at any bank in Mexico.

Good luck and have fun!

Money currency exchange question..?


There, bank, 15%, as little as possible.|||Dont worry about exchange in Cancun we just got back from there and used US dollars the whole time. Its 10 peso%26#039;s to a dollar. so 20 peso%26#039;s is 2 dollars etc.|||Is better to change it when arriving to Mexico, at the airpot. Just change te necesary amount to get to hour hotel, and then go to a bank downtown to change more money, they%26#039;re open Mon-Fri 9 am to 3 pm, you can always use your Visa or Master Card cards to pull money from ATMs, or to pay in big restaurants, malls, hotels, etc. Most places accepts also AMEX, but don%26#039;t trust!

Don%26#039;t carry at the same time more than $300 USD cash, because you won%26#039;t need more for a day or two, and if you lose it is not so bad.|||Take a couple hundred cash and change it at the airport. After that get pesos from an ATM. If your exchange rate is 10 to 1 .. like the poster above ... you are loosing 10% because the actual rate is closer to 11 to 1.|||You seem to have had good advice. If you need a good currency converter to get an idea of the rate the there is one on the page below.|||Well let me tell you the basics... one dollar is about 10 pesos so If I were you I would keep that in mind and change the American money when you get there and exchange it in a bank, well they usually pay better. Tips, well about five dollars or fifty pesos depends on the service.|||Based on my experience, you don%26#039;t really need to exchange. Most of the tourist places will accept American money. Most resorts will also have an exchange desk in the lobby. My best advices it to make sure you exchange only what you will spend. Otherwise you lose money on the Mex-US rate.|||Most places will still accept american money. For tipping...tip in US dollars. So whatever is a good tip in US dollars will be a good tip after they convert to pesos. I was told by a local the best thing to do was to pay for most thing in dollars because you are going to get change in pesos. Since the exchange varies so much is a good way to make sure your getting the best exchange rate...per this local.|||Used to be, about 10 years ago, the very best way was simply use your ATM. The rate was %26quot;best interbank rate%26quot; so the exchange cost you only around 1-2%. That was then. The greedy banks got wise to this and started charging HUGE fees for international cash withdrawals.

It really varies with the bank. Down here in Mexico we are robbed blind using ATMs in other countries - my bank charges 15% in Canada and the US.

Most US banks are much more competitive than their Mexican counterparts, so ask your own bank what the rates are. If they are reasonable, i.e. similar to what you would pay through a bank or currency exchange, then the ATM is the way to go. ATMs are everywhere in Mexico, malls, major stores, many hotels etc. (just be careful using them at night especially in isolated locations!)|||As of last week, it is MUCH better to take money out of a US bank thru a debit card. The exchange rate is higher than the banks%26#039; exchange in Mexico, even taking into consideration the fees that are charged (5 to 8 pesos).

The exchange right now is about $10.80 to $10.85 per dollar if you take dollars to a bank or an exchange house. It is at least $11 (after fees) if you withdraw money out of your account via a debit card (VISA, Mastercard, etc).|||You get the best rate from an ATM. Try to use the ones from HSBC, they don%26#039;t charge as much as Banamex or the others.

High interest savings account for college student?

Im planning to open a savings account and put several hundred dollars monthly. which bank has the highest interest rate?

High interest savings account for college student?inflation rate

I like the high interest rate and the convenience of ING direct.

Sometime they maybe not offering the highest interest but they certainly convenience.

Time is money, right?

High interest savings account for college student?


That will change over time. Just shop around.|||Please check at and spend some time checking out money market funds as well.

Good luck.

Getting some money back...?

I gave my mom some of my money that I%26#039;ve saved over the years so she can put it in a bank account to slow the rate it%26#039;s decreasing in value, it%26#039;s about 600 dollars, and now, I want it back, but she won%26#039;t give it to me unless I tell her the reason of why I need the money.

The reason is I want to buy a video card and a PC game, but there%26#039;s no way she will approve of that...

So, any tips of getting her to give my money back?

Getting some money back...?loan

Talk to her, she might approve, she might not. You won%26#039;t know without asking. Somebody said something about earning it. That was great advice. If you mom sees how much it means to you by you working for it, she might lighten up.

I would rather see my kids buying video cards/upgrades for PC games than crack and drugs and switchblades, you know? Good video card is what...$200? But you wanna spend all $600 maybe? That might be a problem. See? Maybe both people should compromise for best solutions, sometimes.

Getting some money back...?


I%26#039;m really happy for you and your Mom! This is great news, and thanx for choosing my answer. Report It

|||You probably won%26#039;t realize it for years, but your mom is doing you a favor.|||I would agree with her. That seems llike an awful waste of your money.|||See if she%26#039;ll make a deal with you. Earn half the money needed doing odd jobs and getting the other half from your savings.|||what do you mean %26quot;tips%26quot;? Be honest with her and if she says no then she knows best. Be satisfied with what you have. That will teach you that you can%26#039;t have everything in life that you want. And that%26#039;s a very good lesson to be learned.

Gordan Brown said he wants to palm the NHS of to another body of Admin!?

The labour party has already got rid of responsibility for setting the Bank of England%26#039;s base rate to a body of %26#039;non political%26#039; experts. Now he wants to do the same with the NHS, anything that is a problem and they can be blamed for they want to hive off.

If that is the case would we not be better off electing people to sit on various control boards and pay seperate taxes to each individual department, don%26#039;t have a government or maybe just a leader to attend state and foriegn functions(Oh! we have a Queen to do that). wouldn%26#039;t have to pay MP%26#039;s and the money would be more accountable.

Sorry its a long question,what do you tihink?

Gordan Brown said he wants to palm the NHS of to another body of Admin!?payday loan

What Gordon Brown, is proposing, and will rush through if he takes over as PM, is the privatization via stealth or the backdoor method, of the NHS. The Labour Party, has already fragmented several services within the NHS, to the private sector. This is just another way of fragmenting it further, at huge cost to the Tax Payer, where Blair or Brown, can say %26#039; running the NHS, is proving to be too expensive. Here is an alternative...its called the private sector %26#039;.

Its nothing to do with the NHS, not getting enough we can find over 1 billion pounds every month to run an illegal is to do with the sly and deceiptful way in which the Labour Party, is breaking up state run services and putting them to the private doubt the Labour Party, like the Tories, getting a few backhands in return. Makes you sick....Blair and Brown, are a discrace to the british people.

Gordan Brown said he wants to palm the NHS of to another body of Admin!?


just passing the buck|||If you want to use the NHS get a well paid job because you%26#039;ll need one to pay for the medical insurance that will probably be introduced. Whatever America does we follow. Gordon Brown is a joke!|||Just think of the admin nightmare, time and expence involved in separate taxation. Yuck.

As for the NHS, all it needs is funding. Higher taxes should do it and I would willingly pay an extra penny in the pound for a functional health provision. In order to maintain a future NHS, one might have to take measures to stop medical tourists. Perhaps having a stamp card showing NI points earned, or ensuring that all citizens have a top up medical insurance - etc.

Whatever, it all boils down to adequate funding.|||No matter what the challenge - New McLabour can fail miserably - no matter how much of our money Brown the Clown throws at it!|||It is just a way of deflecting blame from himself - cunning though it has certainly worked that way with the %26#039;independence%26#039; of the Bank of England.|||The Immigration office will be offloaded next then. Another worry the Government would get rid of.

New Labour - New Worries!!!|||If the NHS is set up like the BBC it could be an improvement.I suspect however it is a way to place some Pals in well paid jobs and do away with the greater part of the Ministry for Health.

Like the BBC the pals will buy in services from outside the NHS on the excuse they are cheaper.What is really being said there is the people in the NHS doing those roles are either overpaid or incompetent.The reduction in numbers of those employed in the NHS will drop and destroy the pensions for those now working in it.Privitisation is well paid part time jobs for the Pals at the expense of the workforce and taxpayer.

What's the current mortgage rates in Malaysia? Recommended banks?

% deposit required?

What%26#039;s the current mortgage rates in Malaysia? Recommended banks?auto loan

The currrent mortgage rates (commonly known as Base Lending Rate [BLR] )in Malaysia is 6.75%.

A few Insurance companies in Malaysia e.g. AIA (American International Assurance Limited )and ING Insurance Berhad offered fixed rate housing loan over the entire loan tenure, (5.99% currently).

Fiscal Wise Sdn. Bhd -an online mortgage loan finder may help you to find the suitable mortgage for you.

Mortgage can help you too.

Normally, 10% deposit required. (please check the % with the respective banks)

What%26#039;s the current mortgage rates in Malaysia? Recommended banks?



A friend told me about this site that lists all the conventional mortgage rates in malaysia that is very useful. They can even be viewed either by descending/ascending order too. Hope this helps: Report It

|||Post this under Answers Malaysia!

What is post maturity interest?

what is post maturity interest and why is the bank charging it at the rate of21% on my home loan?

What is post maturity interest?car loan

You forgot to re-new your mortgage...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Calais - where to go and what to use: pound or euro or card?

Just wondered whether anyone can share his/her experience of shopping in Calais. In particular, if you had to recommend one shop - what would it be? And also, what%26#039;s the best way to pay? Is it beneficial to pay in pounds (where it%26#039;s allowed), or euro would work out cheaper for me? If paying by card, would the bank charge an incredible exchange rate eliminating any savings you try to make?


Calais - where to go and what to use: pound or euro or card?apply for a loan

If you are going for beer or wine, go to East Enders near to the Pidou supermarket at Rue Marcel Doret (last exit off Rocade Est motorway before the ferry port), or to London Waterloo (aka midnight) in the Ardres area (off the A16/E40, old exit number17, Route de St Omer - it%26#039;s a bit out of the way, in a warehouse up an old railway siding, ask for directions.) The familiar British shops like Sainsbury%26#039;s and Tesco, in Coquelle (first exit off the motorway as you leave the Channel Tunnel) are not the cheapest. If you want tobacco it is cheaper in Belgium than France so go up the E40 motorway to the Belgian border town of Adinkerke (about 40 miles follow signs toward Dunkirk/Brussels, cross the border and exit J1a. Off the motorway, turn left, and left at the roundabout).

All the major wine, beer and tobacco shops in northern France and Belgium accept sterling, so you won%26#039;t be charged commission on currency exchange. If the exchange rate fluctuates, so does the price. It is better to pay in sterling, you know exactly what you have been charged and can compare it directly to British prices. Some of these businesses are run by British people, or are aimed directly at British shoppers, and they are accustomed to being paid in sterling.

Also remember, popular brand beer is not that much cheaper in France, but you save a lot on %26quot;strong%26quot; beers. Tobacco in Belgium, Golden Virginia costs 锟?.50 per packet LESS than it does in the UK. Cigarettes are not as big a saving. If you are up for a long drive, the Spanish border town of Iruna has cheap ciggies, but be prepared to have them stolen by dodgy Douanes Francaises (French customs) as you drive home!)

Calais - where to go and what to use: pound or euro or card?


I don鈥瞭 know about shopping in Calais, but I know that it鈥瞫 cheaper to pay in euros as Calais is in France and in France they use euros. I also happen to know that banks charge a lot if you use credit cards. But good luck and have a nice and safe journey.

Buyer in Real Estate Transaction unwilling to perform his duties?

My sister is selling her house and has been in escrow for about 50 days. Her house is worth about 600k and is located in Southern California. According to her agent the buyer was having a hard time getting financing because a tax lien appeared on his credit report when the bank rechecked his credit rating. He finally got approved for the loan and know the buyers agent cant locate his client. The client had told him he had paid off the tax lien and would provide him with the paperwork, because the bank wanted it paid off before they could close the deal.

Does my sister and agent have any recourse because according to her agent, the buyer refused to sign off on %26quot;contingencies%26quot; all along.

Acording to my sisters agent when you sign off, then you can be sued if you dont perform after having your loan approved, but this buyer neve signed off and now they cant find him, meaning hes in hiding, the deposit on the contract only appears to be for $2000, can my sister keep that and sue

Buyer in Real Estate Transaction unwilling to perform his duties?bad credit loan

It%26#039;s difficult to say, here, without knowing how the contract reads. The contract should tell you everything as far as what happens if certain requirements are not met. PS: If the buyer wasn%26#039;t signing off on contingencies, etc., all along, then the agent was not doing their job. The contract probably has a closing date of some form written into it. If they don%26#039;t close on that date, then it%26#039;s a dead deal. But that%26#039;s a long time off the market, and if I was your sister, I%26#039;d be angry. $2,000 is nothing compared to two months off the market at the height of the sales season.

In most contracts, the buyers have to pursue financing in good faith, and there%26#039;s a time clause in there, where if they can%26#039;t get it in a certain amount of time, the deal is dead. It%26#039;s to protect the seller, to keep the house from being off the market forever while some hapless buyer who couldn%26#039;t get a mortgage for a dollhouse flounders around trying to get financing. IF the tax lien is cleared up, the buyer has refused to provide the necessary paperwork, and that is the only thing holding up the approval, then he is non-compliant and your sister gets to keep the money. If he can%26#039;t clear the tax lien, he is unable to get financing and he may be due the money back DEPENDING ON WHAT THE CONTRACT SAYS.

$2,000 on a $600,000+ house? Wow. That%26#039;s not much. I don%26#039;t really care too much about the agent%26#039;s %26quot;hard work%26quot;, An agent is paid when a deal is closed, and if the deal doesn%26#039;t close through no fault of seller, the agent gets nothing. It sounds like the buyer did not have a solid %26quot;pre-approval%26quot; before entering into the deal, and instead had a %26quot;pre-qualification.%26quot; On a pre-approval, the bank has done all the paperwork to qualify a buyer%26#039;s income and credit, and is only waiting to to review the appraisal -- a tax lien would NEVER slip through a true pre-approval. A lot of banks may call it a %26quot;pre-approval%26quot;, but a pre-approval with contingencies such as %26quot;proof of income, credit report, etc.%26quot; is worthless.

Buyer in Real Estate Transaction unwilling to perform his duties?


You know, people can sue for all kinds of reasons. The deal is can you ever collect from this guy since he is already running from a tax lien?

Your sister may have to take some sort of legal action to get the contract totally released. It may not be complicated or expensive.

It sounds like the buyer never really paid the tax lien.|||Not all %26quot;deals%26quot; close and as you have wriiten many people have worked in this transaction.

If the buyers does not perform, he may loose his deposit or he may still have some form of contigenicies that is in the written agreement that will allow him to be released from the contract.

The brokers opinion here could be valauable to your sister.

As to the agents time and effort, this is one of the pitfalls of real estate the agent recieves zero unless the transaction closes..