Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do you agree that sometimes aesthetics is not a design criterion when selecting fabrics?

If you were to rate the following five kinds of buildingson the basis of need for aesthetics, how would you rate them on a scale of 1 to 5? Justify your choices and their rating.

a. Software firm

b. Bank

c. Library

d. School

e. Hospital

Do you agree that sometimes aesthetics is not a design criterion when selecting fabrics?quick loan

I do think that aesthetics is important to the design according to your potential client because we %26quot;Do%26quot; judge a book by it%26#039;s cover. The aesthetics is the %26quot;first impression%26quot; you give to your clients. So would you feel O.K about having important treatments performed in a shady run down hospital, even if it has some of the best doctors in the world, I wouldn%26#039;t...I think design can effect people on a subconscious level. Given that I would say.




I think these first three are a close tie, I had trouble putting them in order.

4.Software company


Do you agree that sometimes aesthetics is not a design criterion when selecting fabrics?


d and c should be 1

b 2

e 3

a 4

1 is most aesthetic|||sounds like your a design student? 1st question no ,except when it would effect quality or function .we%26#039;ve all been subjected to bad and displaced architecture that was built on cost criteria only ....E-1...D-2...B-3 ...C-4....A-1 choices are self explanatory good luck

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