Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What do i need to consider when opening a savins account?

i need help on picking the right bank?

is high interest rates good or bad?

What do i need to consider when opening a savins account?credit union

The monthly maintenance fees

What do i need to consider when opening a savins account? loan

Shop around and ask to the customer service representative.

Also, take note about the distance of the bank. It is better to have one close to you.|||The average bank offers little interest so I don%26#039;t see much sense in putting my money in those banks. Online virtual banks like ING have a higher interest (but dropping). The higher your interest is, the better.|||For a savings a high interest would be a good thing. Choose a bank that pays the highest interest on your savings. Some banks charge a maintance fee (usually $4.00) if you fall below a certain so it cost you money when you take money out.|||Reputation of the bank, quality of service and hidden charges levied by them - all these are to be considered.

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